ICP-OES Laboratory Seawater Analysis


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Choose your Problem here

Analysis and recommendations

Unwanted heavy metals Analysis Setpoint
Hg Mercury Mercury 0.00 µg/l 0 µg/l
Se Selenium Selenium 0.00 µg/l 0 µg/l
Cd Cadmium Cadmium 0.00 µg/l 0 µg/l
Sn Tin Tin 0.00 µg/l 0 µg/l
Sb Antimony Antimony 0.00 µg/l 0 µg/l
As Arsenic Arsenic 0.00 µg/l 0 µg/l
Al Aluminium Aluminium 9.44 µg/l 0 - 60 µg/l
Pb Lead Lead 0.00 µg/l 0 µg/l
Ti Titanium Titanium 0.00 µg/l 0 µg/l
Cu Copper Copper 0.00 µg/l 0 µg/l
La Lanthanum Lanthanum 0.00 µg/l 0 µg/l
Sc Scandium Scandium 0.00 µg/l 0 µg/l
W Tungsten Tungsten 0.00 µg/l 0 µg/l

Hg | Mercury


0.00 µg/l


0 µg/l

Se | Selenium


0.00 µg/l


0 µg/l

Cd | Cadmium


0.00 µg/l


0 µg/l

Sn | Tin


0.00 µg/l


0 µg/l

Sb | Antimony


0.00 µg/l


0 µg/l

As | Arsenic


0.00 µg/l


0 µg/l

Al | Aluminium


9.44 µg/l


0 - 60 µg/l

Pb | Lead


0.00 µg/l


0 µg/l

Ti | Titanium


0.00 µg/l


0 µg/l

Cu | Copper


0.00 µg/l


0 µg/l

La | Lanthanum


0.00 µg/l


0 µg/l

Sc | Scandium


0.00 µg/l


0 µg/l

W | Tungsten


0.00 µg/l


0 µg/l

Macro-Elements Analysis Setpoint
Na Sodium Sodium 10754.00 mg/l 10000 - 11300 mg/l
Ca Calcium Calcium 467.00 mg/l 415 - 520 mg/l
Mg Magnesium Magnesium 1407.00 mg/l 1320 - 1500 mg/l
K Potassium Potassium 364.00 mg/l 380 - 480 mg/l
Br Bromide Bromide 43.00 mg/l 64 mg/l
B Boron Boron 7.66 mg/l 4.5 mg/l
Sr Strontium Strontium 5.01 mg/l 8 - 12 mg/l
S Sulphur Sulphur 773.00 mg/l 900 mg/l

Na | Sodium


10754.00 mg/l


10000 - 11300 mg/l

Ca | Calcium


467.00 mg/l


415 - 520 mg/l

Mg | Magnesium


1407.00 mg/l


1320 - 1500 mg/l

K | Potassium


364.00 mg/l


380 - 480 mg/l

Br | Bromide


43.00 mg/l


64 mg/l

B | Boron


7.66 mg/l


4.5 mg/l

Sr | Strontium


5.01 mg/l


8 - 12 mg/l

S | Sulphur


773.00 mg/l


900 mg/l

Li-Group Analysis Setpoint
Li Lithium Lithium 73.00 µg/l 200 µg/l
Ni Nickel Nickel 0.00 µg/l 5 µg/l
Mo Molybdenum Molybdenum 22.00 µg/l 12 µg/l

Li | Lithium


73.00 µg/l


200 µg/l

Ni | Nickel


0.00 µg/l


5 µg/l

Mo | Molybdenum


22.00 µg/l


12 µg/l

I-Group Analysis Setpoint
V Vanadium Vanadium 0.00 µg/l 0 - 3 µg/l
Zn Zinc Zinc 0.00 µg/l 0 - 5 µg/l
Mn Manganese Manganese 0.00 µg/l 0 - 3 µg/l
I Iodine Iodine 0.00 µg/l 30 - 90 µg/l

V | Vanadium


0.00 µg/l


0 - 3 µg/l

Zn | Zinc


0.00 µg/l


0 - 5 µg/l

Mn | Manganese


0.00 µg/l


0 - 3 µg/l

I | Iodine


0.00 µg/l


30 - 90 µg/l

Fe-Group Analysis Setpoint
Cr Chromium Chromium 0.00 µg/l 0 µg/l
Co Cobalt Cobalt 0.00 µg/l 0 µg/l
Fe Iron Iron 0.00 µg/l 0 µg/l

Cr | Chromium


0.00 µg/l


0 µg/l

Co | Cobalt


0.00 µg/l


0 µg/l

Fe | Iron


0.00 µg/l


0 µg/l

Ba-Group Analysis Setpoint
Ba Barium Barium 22.00 µg/l 0 - 10 µg/l
Be Beryllium Beryllium 0.00 µg/l 0 µg/l

Ba | Barium


22.00 µg/l


0 - 10 µg/l

Be | Beryllium


0.00 µg/l


0 µg/l

Si-Group Analysis Setpoint
Si Silicon Silicon 722.00 µg/l 0 - 200 µg/l

Si | Silicon


722.00 µg/l


0 - 200 µg/l

Nutrient-Group Analysis Setpoint
P Phosphorus Phosphorus 27.00 µg/l 6 - 23 µg/l
PO4 Phosphate Phosphate 0.083 mg/l 0.018 - 0.07 mg/l

P | Phosphorus


27.00 µg/l


6 - 23 µg/l

PO4 | Phosphate


0.083 mg/l


0.018 - 0.07 mg/l

We detected elements in your water that can be harmful for your tank.
More information about each element is listed below.

To remedy this we recommend carrying out 6 x 15% water changes Red Sea Salt (blue bucket), spread over 6 weeks


The analysis has found that the Strontium level in the aquarium is low.

For your chosen Habitat we would recommend to also follow the daily dosage advice of Strontium as this should benefit the animals in your aquarium.
3 weeks prior to fragging we would recommend that you double the daily dosage.


Your Boron levels are too high.
Please try to find the reason for the contamination, these are the most common case:

1. Trace mineral overdose or contamination


Your Silicon levels are too high.

Check for possible contamination source. To help you in finding the source of error, we have listed the most frequent sources of contamination for silicon (sorted in descending order of frequency):

1. RO/DI Supply
2. Iron based phosphate remover (not RowaPhos or PhosBan)
3. SIPORAX Type media
4. Ceramics

Renew PO4 remover media, use AL99 or RowaPhos / PhosBan


Your Phosphorus / Phosphate levels are slightly elevated.

Check for possible contamination source. To help you in your search for the source of error, we have listed the most common reasons (sorted in descending order of frequency):

1. Overfeeding, especially with dry food or not washed-frozen foods
2. No Phosphate Remover in the system
3. Too much vegetable food
4. Too little flow, "Gammel corners" in the aquarium
5. Weak filtration / skimming
6. use of supplements to increase nutrients

Renew or increase PO4 media, feed less, wash frozen food, avoid dried foods


Your Molybdenum levels are slightly elevated. This can lead to severe bacterial growth (Cyano, etc.).

Check for possible contamination source. To assist you in finding the source of error, we have listed them the most common sources of molybdenum (sorted in descending order of frequency):

1. Trace element overdose / contamination
2. Food
3. Contaminated salts

To remedy this we recommend carrying out 6 x 15% water changes Red Sea Salt (blue bucket), spread over 6 weeks


Your Lithium levels are too low.

Please dose as recommended in the DOSE tab.


Your Strontium levels are slightly low.

Please dose as recommended in the DOSE tab.


Your Bromine levels are slightly low.

WARNING! Dosage only to be carried out by advanced reef keepers.

Due to the possible hazardous nature of dosing Bromine the dosage amounts include a safety factor to ensure that the risk of overdose is reduced. This may result in further dosing being required with subsequent ICP testing.

Please follow the directions on the Dose tab.


Your Potassium levels are slightly low.

Please dose as recommended in the DOSE tab.

Very important for your aquarium


We have detected a lack of potassium.
A potassium dose may have the following advantages for your aquarium:
- Can promote the coloring of SPS
- Can have a positive effect on the bacterial flora
To restore the natural value, they refer to our recommended dosage.

We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 3 days. For the first 2 days the daily dosage should be 13.62g. On the last day please use 4.22g.

If you have the 1000ml version please visit this link to re-calculate your dosage.

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Important for your aquarium


We have detected a lack of strontium.
A strontium dose may have the following advantages for your aquarium:
- Can positively affect coral health
- Important for the development of healthy coral skeleton
To restore the natural value, please refer to our recommended dosage.

We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 2 days. For the first day the dosage should be 9.08ml. On the last day please use 7.29ml.

If you have the 1000ml version please visit this link to re-calculate your dosage.

We recommend a daily maintenance dose of 0.55ml. If this dose is very low, then this can be alternatively be dosed weekly (daily dose x7).

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We have detected a lack of iodine.
A Iodine dose can have the following benefits for your aquarium:
- Improves overall health of SPS corals and macroalgae
- Promotes metabolic processes in the reef aquarium
- Can be helpful against parasites and inhibit their reproduction
To restore the natural value, please refer to our recommended dosage.

We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 2 days. For the first day the dosage should be 4.54ml. On the last day please use 0.91ml.

We recommend a daily maintenance dose of 0.55ml. If this dose is very low, then this can be alternatively be dosed weekly (daily dose x7).

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Fine-tuning Level 1 ( Basic )


We have detected a lack of vanadium.
A vanadium dosage may have the following advantages for your aquarium:
- Can have a positive effect on the growth of sponges, sea squirts and SPS and LPS corals
- Can promote a better polyp extension
- May intensify the color of Acropora and Montipora
To restore the natural value, please note our dosing recommendation.
To keep this value, please note our maintenance dose. For calculating the maintenance dose proceed as follows:
1st Test: dose maintenance dose xml
2nd Test: old maintenance dosing xml (from the 1st test) + new maintenance dose meter (from the 2nd test) XML.
3. Test:: old maintenance dosing xml (from the 1st test) + old maintenance dosing xml (from the 2nd test) + new maintenance dose xml meter (from the 3rd Test).
4. Test: see above. Thereafter, the dosage should not be increased, even though the analysis indicates a value of 0.

We recommend the corrective dosage of 0.55ml for 1 day.

We recommend a daily maintenance dose of 0.04ml. If this dose is very low, then this can be alternatively be dosed weekly (daily dose x7).

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We have detected a lack of manganese.
A Manganese dose may have the following advantages for your aquarium:
- Can be useful for keeping LPS corals, for example, Goniopora respond very positively to Manganese dosage
- Can promote better polyp extension
To restore the natural value, please refer to our recommended dosage.
To keep this value, refer to our maintenance dose. For calculating the maintenance dose proceed as follows:
1 Test: dose maintenance dose xml
2 Test: old maintenance dosing xml (from the 1st test) + new maintenance dose (from the 2nd test) xml dosing.
3 Test:: old maintenance dosing xml (from the 1st test) + old maintenance dosing xml (from the 2nd test) + new maintenance dose xml meter (from the 3rd Test). Thereafter, the dosage should not be increased, even though the analysis indicates a value of 0.

We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 3 days. For the first 2 days the daily dosage should be 4.54ml. On the last day please use 0.01ml.

We recommend a daily maintenance dose of 0.76ml. If this dose is very low, then this can be alternatively be dosed weekly (daily dose x7).

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Fine-tuning Level 1 ( Advanced )


Warning, dangerous element for the aquarium. Dosage for professional, experienced aquarists only!
A nickel dose may have the following advantages for your aquarium:
- Can improve the color image of coral
- Can improve the overall health of LPS and SPS corals
Attention, the concentration of nickel in natural seawater is so low that it can not be detected. If a dose is desired, begin with the recommended dosage listed below and test the value regularly in our laboratory. If nickel are detected, they have overdosed and should adjust the dose immediately. You can increase the dosage of nickel slowly until they see a positive effect.

We recommend the corrective dosage be carried out over 3 days. For the first 2 days the daily dosage should be 9.08ml. On the last day please use 4.56ml.

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We have detected a lack of zinc.
A zinc dosage may have the following advantages for your aquarium:
- Can promote enzymatic processes in reef aquariums
- Can promote color and health of LPS and SPS corals
To restore the natural value, please refer to our recommended dosage.
To keep this value, please refer to our maintenance dose. For calculating the maintenance dose proceed as follows:
1st Test: dose maintenance dose xml
2nd Test: old maintenance dosing xml (from the 1st test) + new maintenance dose (from the 2nd test) XML.
3. Test:: old maintenance dosing xml (from the 1st test) + old maintenance dosing xml (from the 2nd test) + new maintenance dose xml meter (from the 3rd Test). Thereafter, the dosage should not be increased, even though the analysis indicates a value of 0

We recommend the corrective dosage of 1.82ml for 1 day.

We recommend a daily maintenance dose of 0.18ml. If this dose is very low, then this can be alternatively be dosed weekly (daily dose x7).

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  • Product image of Triton Reagents Potassium 1000g 1x Triton Reagents Potassium 1000g 0
  • Product image of Triton Reagents Bromine 100ml - 10x concentrate 1x Triton Reagents Bromine 100ml - 10x concentrate 0
  • Product image of Triton Reagents Strontium 100ml - 10x concentrate 1x Triton Reagents Strontium 100ml - 10x concentrate 0
  • Product image of Triton Reagents Sulphate 1000g 1x Triton Reagents Sulphate 1000g 0
  • Product image of Triton Reagents Lithium 100ml 2x Triton Reagents Lithium 100ml 0
  • Product image of Triton Reagents Nickel 100ml 1x Triton Reagents Nickel 100ml 0
  • Product image of Triton Reagents Vanadium 100ml 1x Triton Reagents Vanadium 100ml 0
  • Product image of Triton Reagents Zinc 100ml 1x Triton Reagents Zinc 100ml 0
  • Product image of Triton Reagents Manganese 100ml 1x Triton Reagents Manganese 100ml 0
  • Product image of Triton Reagents Iodine 100ml 1x Triton Reagents Iodine 100ml 0